Monday, May 13, 2019

Abogados de accidentes de autos

¿Ha tenido recientemente un accidente de auto causado por una conducta negligente? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, de seguro que usted se encuentra en una difícil situación que no le permite pensar con claridad cómo reclamar sus derechos. Es por ello que, ante estos incidentes debería considerar la idea de llamar a un abogado. Por eso, aquí le contaremos de qué manera un abogado especialista en accidentes de autos puede ayudarlo para hacer valer sus derechos.
En casos de que usted o un ser querido haya sufrido lesiones personales o daños a su propiedad a consecuencia de un accidente de auto, es crucial que encuentre un abogado experto en estos casos que le ayude a realizar los trámites legales para reclamar una indemnización por los daños y perjuicios ocasionados.
Si bien, muchos de los casos de accidentes de autos que pueden llegar a ser causados por negligencia o descuido de terceros. Por lo general dichos casos requieren de una serie de procedimientos legales antes de que se proceda a la demanda. 
Los procedimientos incluyen son: recopilación de evidencia, testimonios, redacción de informes, contactar a la compañía de seguros, entre otros.
Al encontrar un abogado especialista que conozca a la perfección las leyes, usted podrá proceder a presentar una demanda con las bases legales suficientes para demostrar la culpabilidad del demandado.


¿Cómo puede ayudarle un abogado de accidentes de auto?

Los abogados especialistas que han tratado con cientos de casos de accidentes de auto y lesiones personales pueden auxiliarlo y defenderlo hasta que se cumpla la ley de la siguiente manera:
Ayudándole a contactar a un médico especialista para asegurarse de que reciba la atención necesaria, sea diagnosticado y le dé los reportes que especifiquen o describan cada una de las lesiones que sufrió a consecuencia del accidente.
Guiándole a usted en cada paso que debe dar antes, durante y después de una demanda en la corte. Esto será útil para que no cometa los errores comunes y para que no lo traten de estafar las compañías de seguro de la contraparte. Es decir que, un abogado de accidentes de auto se encargará de negociar con las compañías de seguro para asegurarse de que le otorguen una máxima compensación que cubra exactamente todos los gastos que usted requiere.
Ayudándole a redactar un informe para que presente su demanda de manera formal, con el lenguaje técnico adecuado. 
Analizando su caso para determinar si hubo evidentemente una negligencia por parte de otro conductor. Para demostrarlo en la corte trabajará arduamente para recopilar las evidencias más contundentes tales como fotografías, videos, facturas de gastos médicos, testimonios, informes policiales, entre otros.
De acuerdo a los daños y perjuicios ocasionados, un abogado especialista también se puede encargar de calcular el monto de la indemnización que usted deberá recibir. En este cálculo se deben incluir: los gastos médicos, gastos médicos futuros, las pérdidas de salarios, pérdida de la capacidad para trabajar, daños a su automóvil, daños emocionales, dolor y sufrimiento. Dichos gastos y daños son difíciles de cuantificar, por eso solo debe realizarse por un buen asesor de leyes que cuente con la suficiente experiencia. 
Por último le ofrecerá un servicio integral con respecto a su caso y lo representará en la corte en todo momento.

Tipos de accidentes de auto

Los accidentes de coche no siempre suceden de la misma forma. Existen diferentes factores que lo producen en cada caso. Es por ello que actualmente podemos encontrar diversos tipos de estos accidentes. Y además se pueden clasificar según el lugar de los hechos, según la severidad de los daños ocasionados y según la forma en que se producen. Todo ello lo desarrollaremos a continuación.
Los tipos de accidentes que existen según el lugar de los hechosson:
  • Accidentes urbanos
  • En travesías.
  • Interurbanos

Por otro lado, existen 3 tipos de accidentes según la severidad de los dañoslos cuales son:
  • Mortales
  • Con heridos
  • Con daños materiales

Según la forma en la que se producenlos accidentes de coches se clasifican en:

  • Salidas de la vía, vuelco y pérdida de control: Son aquellos que se producen cuando el coche sale de la carretera y se vuelca o colisiona contra un poste, árbol o cualquier otro objeto. En la mayoría de los casos cuando el conductor pierde el control del auto bien sea por fallas repentinas de mecánica, por las lluvias, por la nieve o por descuido sucede este tipo de accidentes.
  • Choque: Similar al anterior, es cuando un coche colisiona con otro, o cualquier otro objeto fijo a causa de la pérdida de control. En estos casos se debe determinar el objeto con el que ha chocado el coche y evaluar los daños sufridos.
  • Atropellos: se puede tratar de aquellos casos en los que un vehículo choca contra otro vehículo más pequeño o más débil o choca a algún ciclista, peatón o animal ocasionándole daños materiales y físicos.
  • Colisiones: Este tipo de accidente se refiere al choche entre dos o más vehículos. A su vez se clasifican en: colisiones frontales (la cual es conocida como topetazo), colisiones perpendiculares (los cuales se pueden denominar como embestida), y las colisiones por raspado.

Según el número de vehículos implicados se clasifican en:
  • Simples; Son aquellos que involucran a uno o dos coches. 
  • Múltiples o complejos; Son aquellos que implican a más de dos coches y además hay animales, ciclistas o peatones heridos a causa de la colisión. Un ejemplo claro de estos accidentes se conoce como accidente en cadena.

Las ventajas de contratar a un abogado de accidente de auto

Existen muchas ventajas de contratar a un abogado de accidente de carro, alguna de ellas son:
·      Los abogados no exigen que se les pague por sus servicios hasta que ganen su caso.
·      Aumenta las probabilidades de ganar la demanda.
·      Puede recibir la compensación justa que se merece.
·      El proceso de demanda puede ser resuelto rápido y sin complicaciones.

Llame a Jimmy De La Espriella, un abogado de accidentes de auto

Si usted se encuentra en el estado de Florida y necesita un abogado de accidentes de autos  ágil, que esté muy bien relacionado con las compañías de la localidad y sepa luchar por sus derechos no dude en llar a Jimmy De La Espriella. Él puede asesorarlo sin importar que usted sea inmigrante o ciudadano americano porque los derechos son valiosos para todos. 
Ahora que ya sabe todo lo que un abogado especialista puede hacer por usted no tendrá que preocuparse por buscar la manera de hacer justicia, porque él lo hará por usted. No espere más y obtenga su primera consulta gratuita.

Oficina Coral Gables:

2151 S Le Jeune Rd, Miami, FL, 33134
Suite 305
Numero De Telefono: +1 (305) 363-7855

Oficina Miami:

436 SW 8th ST, Miami, FL 33130
Numero De Telefono: +1 (305) 850-6303

Oficina Kendall

14221 SW 120th st, Miami, FL, 33186
Suite 221

Numero De Telfono: +1 (305) 330-5128

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Miami Gardens Brain Injury Attorneys

Miami Gardens Brain Injury Attorneys

Miami is an incredible city that is considered one of the most lively in terms of nightlife in the country, and one of the most essential areas for the city is Miami Gardens. For those who are not aware, it is the largest city in the metropolitan area and has a majority African-American population. The city has a population of over 100,000 people, which is certainly significant. There are all sorts of incredible beaches and parks to enjoy in the area, as well, which helps with tourism in the area, as well.

There are many drawbacks to physical injury, but one of the benefits of a physical injury is that many individuals can actually recover. Unfortunately, with a brain injury, the effects might change your life on a permanent basis. There are all sorts of accidents that can lead to a brain injury, which is why a brain injury attorney can help you get the settlement and compensation that you deserve. There are elderly people that fall every day, and toddlers, as well, as brain injuries affect people of all ages and backgrounds. One fact to remember is that individuals over 75 are more susceptible to brain injury. Of course, at that elderly age, it might be tougher to deal with serious issues like that, which is why a brain injury attorney can go a long way in terms of dealing with the insurance companies and justice system to make sure that you get fairly compensated.

Brain injury can require a massive amount of treatment, and the medical bills can absolutely pile up. One of the reasons why a brain injury can be extremely deadly is because it can be a “silent epidemic” and “invisible injury” that ends up changing the way that you move, think, and act. That’s why a brain injury attorney is essential to making sure that you can truly move on with your life, and get the help that you require. It doesn’t matter whether you are an athlete or a blue collar worker, a minor or major brain injury can truly make a big difference, and affect the way that you work and make a living, as well. It’s important to explore your options to find the most experienced brain injury attorney to make sure that you are compensated the way that you should be. After all, a brain injury can not only affect your personality, but your productivity, as well, which can alter your personal and professional relationships.

South Miami brain injury law firm

South Miami brain injury law firm

South Miami is a city or general part of Miami metropolitan area. South Florida has a long history that spans to ancient and indigenous settlements. The area is quite dynamic and full of tumultuous history. But, South Miami has developed and grown to be a prominent part of Miami with a link to the social consciousness of Miami. In 2000, South Miami connected and became part of other similar municipalities. South Miami in forming these was able to cement city partnerships to help promote cultural and economic development between cities in many parts of the world. For example, South Miami is a member of Sister Cities International, which has contributed to the history of Miami. In terms of size and density, South Miami is in Dade County, Florida with a population of 12,281.

Accidents will happen regardless of where you are in Florida, so be prepared. A brain injury law form will deal with these issues involving highly sensitive medical cases. In serious accidents, a brain injury law firm has to evaluate and try to scale the weight of blame. This is difficult for the brain injury law firm because the victims who suffer a brain injury are escorted and taken around the medical system literally. The reason for this constant shuffling of a brain injury patient is legal in nature. The brain injury law firm needs to determine how the healthcare system is to be viable in these cases.

In these sensitive cases, you want the right representation from a brain injury law firm, so choose wisely and always try to find the most experienced brain injury lawyer. Because, in brain injury cases, there is a large group of insurance approved doctors who are more than adept in confusing a jury. Having a keen eye to determine the nature of this problem is where finding a good brain injury law firm is more than needed. Because these cases involve many strategies to confuse and mislead brain injuries into merely nothing more than an uncomplicated concussion, a brain injury law firm has to be ready to investigate completely.

A good brain injury law firm is essential because they need to be specialized in looking for the loopholes that are taken and abused in these cases. For example, in these brain injury cases these insurance companies aim to avoid responsibility. Different techniques that are used in these brain injury cases are known by lawyers in Florida personal injury law firms, so use professionals.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Liberty City car accident lawyer

Liberty City car accident lawyer 

Liberty City is a neighborhood in Miami, Florida. The neighborhoods and suburban sprawl are quite extensive in the Miami area. One of the many notable things about Liberty City is that it is to as "Model City," but more people locally know it as historically as "Liberty City." This neighborhood has a link to notable figures like boxer Muhammad Ali and others including Kelsey Pharr, M. Athalie Range, and more. Liberty City is rich with music as well and much more despite neighborhood and city problems. Generally speaking, the population of Liberty City is around 25,000 within a moderate sized part of Miami.

Car accidents are an inevitable part of life, so a car accident lawyer is a necessity. It is important to remember that without a car accident lawyer on your side, you are at the mercy of insurance companies who are often more concerned with profits than helping anyone affected or injured. To the horror of many, in an accident the people that are affected directly can be injured, sometimes severely, and the cars damaged incur severe damage. Car accident lawyers in the legal system can help the parties sort out who is at fault for the accident, and which party needs to pay the doctors' and mechanics' bills.

Despite the risk, car accident lawyers try to assess the risk and weigh it versus the cost and overall harm. Human factors in car accidents involve any tangible linked to drivers and other motorists that could have caused the crash. The ways in which a car accident lawyer can help and resolve the conflict and come to a finality of decision are numerous. Some of the more common or plausible reasons may be driver behavior, road design, and variables like weather. So, it is ever more vital that you find a lawyer that may be worth the cost and expense of your time and money.  Consult a car accident lawyer to give the proper advice to deal with insurance companies.

A car accident is an experience full of fear and anger at times, but remember that a car accident lawyer is your best source for positive results. In many cases, it is not clear whose fault a car crash was, particularly when multiple cars are involved. Although drivers, after getting in an accident, may argue about whose fault the accident was, it is advisable to not give away too many details or facts before visiting a car accident lawyer. In the end, it is clearly very beneficial to research and find the best car accident lawyer.

Aventura Car Accident Lawyer

Aventura Car Accident Lawyer


Aventura is a city that literally means "adventure" in Spanish. The city of Aventura is 18 miles north of Miami. Moreover, Aventura has a lot of interesting facts that are not so well known. For example, Aventura has a mall, which is the fifth-largest shopping mall in the US. In terms of size, Aventura has a population of 38,202, so it is not a large town. the amount of growth and history in Aventura and nearby beautiful beaches.

Sadly, car accidents are part of life, so you need to be prepared in Aventura or anywhere in Florida. Car accidents are some thing to worry about when you are living anywhere especially Florida.  If you are in a car accident, you will need to use  a car accident lawyer. The importance of having a good and effective lawyer for a car accident is crucial. You'll need a lawyer when you are involved in an accident involving a car, truck, or other motor vehicle.

There are times that you need to use a car accident lawyers. For example, if you get into a car accident where physical injury, fatality, or other sever damage has occurred then you are required to use a car accident lawyer.  Car accidents are complex affairs that can be bogged down and require legal representation of experienced counsel.
Why? Because an experienced and reputable car accident lawyer can help you get compensation to cover any losses caused by a car accident.

A car accident lawyer will more than help you take care of yourself if facing injury or awaiting on a claim. Don't beat yourself up or try to defend yourself because are serious incidents that need your attention and professional and legal advice.Without proper help, car accident victims may face the chance of not getting just compensation to deal with car crash injuries, medical costs, wages missed from work, and general suffering.

The ideal lawyer for a car accident in Aventura should be pursuing legal advocacy on your behalf in the best way. A car accident lawyer knows how to look for your best interest and deal with and handle the huge insurance companies.There are many causes of automobile accidents. that range from anything such as distracted drivers, road design, speeding, impaired drivers, and more reasons to even blaming the weather.

In summary, the best way to deal with accidents is to seek a car accident lawyer. Car accident and personal injury claims are not to be taken lightly, you need to have extensive experience addressing a range of accident issues and expertise in dealing with these problems.

DLE Lawyers office locations:

Coral Gables Office:

2151 S Le Jeune Rd, Miami, FL, 33134
Suite 305
Phone Number: +1 (305) 363-7855

Miami Office:

436 SW 8th ST, Miami, FL 33130
Phone Number: +1 (305) 850-6303

Kendall Office

14221 SW 120th st, Miami, FL, 33186
Suite 221
Phone Number: +1 (305) 330-5128